Orbitalum known beyond regional borders

Important visit at Orbitalum Tools in Singen
With its Headquarter in Singen, Orbitalum Tools contributes to the economic growth of the region. Now the company was pleased to welcome high ranking visitors to its premises, the SPD state and parliamentary group chairman Andreas Stoch and the SPD member of the state parliament Hans-Peter Storz. The SPD politicians showed great interest in the local company, which is also known beyond regional borders.
In recent years, Orbitalum Tools has developed into the world's leading supplier of complete industrial solutions for the precise cutting and beveling of pipes and for orbital welding. From weld seam preparation to the finished orbital weld seam - at Orbitalum Tools GmbH, customers receive everything from one source. The products are characterised by easy handling, highest quality and industry-leading technology. The products are mainly used in the food and beverage industry, the chemical, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industry as well as in the aerospace industry. "Our country is so strong economically because medium-sized companies are our backbone," says Andreas Stoch.
Interactive studio for worldwide communication
During the Corona pandemic, Orbitalum Tools set up its own digital studio, which was not only an important tool for communication between employees. It was also a way of exchanging information with customers and partners worldwide. The studio is still in regular use to facilitate interactive presentations, training and product launches.
Orbitalum Managing Director Markus Tamm and Business Unit Manager Andreas Lier welcomed Andreas Stoch and Hans-Peter Storz and gave them a tour of the plant in Singen.